Thursday, October 23, 2014

Little Miss Morgi-Moonpie

Little Miss Morgan is doing well I am happy to report. It has been a long day, not only for Casey and myself but more so for Morgan. She's had an up and down past 24 hours but tonight when I left her bedside she was stable and holding strong.

We having been struggling with Morgan's blood pressure lately. Because of her condition she, at times, has trouble circulating blood in and out of her lungs. This in turn means high blood pressure for her. Also, come to find out, the Kidneys play quite a large part in our bodies control of blood pressure so with kidneys that don't function properly obviously they won't handle the blood pressure like they should also. Thankfully we have an unbelievable team of doctors and nurses that worked diligently all day to get her back to a stable condition.

When I arrived this morning to check in on her, her systolic pressure was upwards of 120. At one point throughout the day it was upwards of 140. This is quite high as there target for her is well below 90. After adjusting how often she receives her medicine, which took a bit more work then one would think, they got her back on track. They had to add in yet another IV line to do this which, in Morgan's true fashion, was difficult for the staff to get in but none the less they accomplished the goal.

They gave her some extra blood today as well which they are hoping will help with her blood-oxygen levels. They also started her on another medicine today to help her need the nitrous less and less until she's off it. Also, they have decided to give her the diuretic medicine on a regular schedule to help her loose more fluid by increasing her urine levels which I am happy to report is working quite well. Never been quite so excited to see a little one's pee pee so much as this one. They were hoping to have her urine levels at 1ml out per hour and last we were told (at around 7:00) was that they were up at 2.3ml per hour. That is twice what they are giving to her in IV's and we can already see the difference. She lost weight last night, which is a first for her, and her little body isn't nearly as puffy as it has been. Casey and I have even joked that her nose is back because her little cheeks were big enough that they were starting to hide it.

Dr. Jenkins, Morgan's kidney specialist out of Portland, was back in town also. I got to speak with him for a moment to hear his thoughts and insights. They are beginning to develop somewhat plan and direction for her. They are planning on monitoring Morgan through the weekend to see how she is doing and how well her kidneys are working. They are going to have a conference on Monday and if she is not showing signs of obvious improvement then they will be going into surgery most likely on Tuesday.

In this surgery they would be removing her right kidney. They must do this to make room in her little, overly full tummy, for her dialysis. They will also install a catheter for her peritoneal dialysis. This is a type of dialysis that typically works much better in smaller children. There is some obvious risks with this procedure but doctor Jenkins has assured me that the surgeon that would be performing the operation is one of the top in the nation for this type of surgery. Post surgery there are still lots of risks being mainly infections and leaks, but with great care it can be a very good thing for Morgan.

We are still hopeful that her kidneys will begin to function well enough to avoid this. That is what would be best for her but it is nice to know that they are planning and preparing just in case they don't.

All in all it was a very busy day for Morgan but she is strong!! She has a strong will and obviously does not give up easily. When I left her tonight she was holding strong and stable. Her blood pressure was down, her pee pee was filling up the catch tube, her breathing was doing well and she looked at peace. Comfy and snoozing peacefully, which after today, I couldn't have asked for much more.

Once again a great big thank you to everyone's thoughts and prayers. I do believe that last night I forgot to attach the link to Parker's blog so I will be doing that tonight. Casey has actually been in touch with Parkers mommy a little bit this afternoon which is great. Kristen thank you so much for your thoughts and concerns especially for a family that you have never even met.

Morgan also had a surprise visitor today. Dr. Knight, from the hospital where she was born, stopped in to see how she was doing. Dr. Knight was the Doctor that took care of Morgan while she was there. He did an outstanding and over the top job, as well as the rest of the staff there. We are forever grateful for all that they did for us.

Also, one more thing to note, Casey and I finally decided on Morgan's middle name!!
Morgan Sawyer!!!!! And we love her very much so!


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