Thursday, November 13, 2014

A month old and a few more firsts

It has been a bit since we have updated Morgan's blog and Morgan has been a very busy girl! She is a month old now and since her surgery she has been resting and growing stronger. Her breathing has been getting much better and 2 days ago they were able to remove her ventilator. They removed her breathing tube and she was able to cry for the first time. Never thought a crying baby could sound quite so wonderful. She was on a C-Pap mask for one night and a Nasal Cannula for a day and is now support free and breathing all on her own.

She is also maintaining her own body temperature now and has been moved from her warming bed into a crib. She has clothes now, a first for her, and today even received her first bath. Since surgery they have had to reduce her feedings because she was having a hard time keeping her milk in her tummy. Fortunately, since they have removed her breathing support, she has been doing much better about not throwing up so they have now been feeding her milk again and today they went from 5ml's every three hours to 10mls every three hours.

Morgan's blood pressure is still a concern for her doctors and they continue to work with her medicines to try and keep it down. Her right kidney has grown substantially and continues to squish her little lungs. On Monday they are going to take Morgan back into surgery to remove her right Kidney and also insert her dialysis catheter. Her kidney is still working and is producing urine but it is not cleaning her blood as well as it needs to. With it's size and complications it produces for her blood pressure, the doctors need to remove it. By removing it, it will also make enough room in her belly for her dialysis fluid.

Morgan continues everyday to impress her doctors with how well she is doing. Dr. Jenkins, her kidney specialist, was pleasantly surprised to see her off of her ventilator. Her squeals and cries are very welcome noises for Casey and I. We are also able to hold Morgan with much more ease now that we don't have so many tubes and sensors to move with her. Before, we were only able to hold Morgan by laying her in her bed into our arms, now we are able to hold our swaddled baby.

Morgan still has a few more hurdles to overcome but with her strong will and spirit we know she will do great. Also with her great nurses and doctors watching over her it only improves our confidence.

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