Monday, November 17, 2014

Morgan Fights to Win

 Randy and big sister drove over yesterday expecting to stay until Tuesday for Morgan's surgery, scheduled for Monday afternoon. As we had informed everyone in our previous post Morgan had been extubated  on Tuesday November 11th.  This was very exciting because her surgeon and her nephrologist were feeling like her other kidney needed to come out in order to give her more room for her lungs to improve. Her creatinine and BUN levels were also a major concern for her remaining kidney.  I spoke with Dr. Jenkins later in the week and he was pleased to see her coming off her breathing support. He told me that unless by some miracle her kidneys began to function much better they would still be placing her dialysis catheter and removing her right kidney.

I am pleased to announce that her kidney function has improved enough that they have cancelled her right nephrectomy as well as the placement of the peritoneal dialysis catheter. We are so proud of her for doing so well. She is making great improvements and has been very tough through this whole thing.  She has been waking up being more alert than ever. Randy and I are able to hold her for hours at a time. I broke a personal record tonight and held her for 4 hours straight. It is hard leaving her when she has her eyes open, and she is such a great little snuggle buddy.

Randy and I are willing to embrace these great moments.  We also know that this does not mean that she will not need a transplant, dialysis, or a right nephrectomy.  We are unsure what her future holds, but right now she is able to avoid this major surgery.  This gives her the opportunity to grow and become even stronger for a moment that she may need that surgery. In the next moments of her life Morgan's doctors and nurses will be working hard at increasing her feedings, increasing her weight, keeping her creatinine and BUN levels down, and getting her blood pressure under control. If all of those goals are met and her kidney function remains where it is at right now we should be able to bring her home without dialysis. There are many factors at play here, and as of now she is meeting her needs.

Randy and I are remaining positive. We are happy to be able to share good news with everyone and watching our baby improve everyday has been amazing. Morgan has been an inspiration to us as a family to embrace the moments we have with each other. She teaches us to love more and fight hard.  Morgan was not born with a job, but she has given us more than we could have even imagined. We continue to be thankful for all of the love and support that all of you have given us. We are able to be here for Morgan because of the love we have behind us. She is able to fight because of the love we are able to share with her in her NICU room. Thank you all again. I cannot say it enough!

In other exciting news we took big sister to get her ears pierced today.  She was tough the entire time. She didn't want us to hold her hand, and when the first one went in with a little bit of a struggle she sat there and held it all together. She then hung in there for them to get the other ear. It is no wonder her little sister is so tough. I better head off to bed now. I had a late night holding Morgan and I cannot wait to do it again tomorrow!

Thank you all again!!!


  1. What wonderful news. We will keep sending postive thoughts and prayers your way.
    You have two beautiful daughters.

  2. So excited for you guys! Loved seeing that sweet little thing Sunday, she is truly a special little angel. Love you all!
